In 1981
In IPB’s Faculty of Fisheries, MSP Department was formed, which was  a combination of Department of Fisheries Biology and Department of Hydrobiology.

In 1983
Kepmendikbud’s Decree No. 0546/0/1983 stipulated de jure the establishment of MSP Department, which was equipped with four laboratories, namely Limnology, Oceanography, Hydrobiology and Fisheries Resource Management. De facto MSP Department together with Department of Aquaculture (BDP) established Aquatic Science Program (AIR) for Master’s and Doctoral strata (S2 and S3).

In 1985:
Kepmendikbud No. 0110/0/1985 renewed Kepmendikbud Decree No. 0546/0/1983.

In 1993:
Decree of the Director General of Higher Education No. 0584 / Dikti / Kep / 1993 dated October 2, 1993 stipulated de jure the establishment of Aquatic Science Program (AIR) for Master’s and Doctoral strata (S2 and S3).

In 1996:
Study Programs of Coastal and Marine Resources Management (PS SPL) for S2 and S3 were opened.

In 1999:
Director of Graduate School by the Decree of the Director of Graduate School of IPB No. 053 / K13 / HK / LL / 1999 stipulated the home base of aquatic science courses was in the Department  of BDP-IPB FPIK, transferring Oceanographic Laboratory to the Department of ITK. MSP Department lab had to organize the Laboratory into three, namely the Laboratories of Productivity and Aquatic Environment, Laboratories  Ecobiology and Conservation of Aquatic Resources  and Laboratories Laboratories Fisheries Resources Management.

In 2001:
Program Study of Coastal and Marine Resources Management (PS-SPL) was managed by MSP Department based on Rector’s Decree No. 082 / K13 / KP / 2002.

In 2003:
MSP Department was organized into Department of Aquatic Resources Management as the implementation of BHMN IPB.


  • Productivity and Water Environment Division (Proling)
  • Divisi Sumber daya Perikanan (MSP)
  • KSP


Manajemen Sumberdaya Perairan



Mengembangkan ilmu pengeloalan sumber daya perairan (tawar, payau, dan laut) yang berkaitan dengan kelestarian, konservasi, ekosistem perairan dan perikanan berkelanjutan.

Keluaran lulusan

Lulusan mampu dan kompeten dalam merencanakan, mengeksekusi, mengawasi, dan mengevaluasi ekosistem perairan untuk pemanfaatan sumberdaya secara optimum dan berkelanjutan demi mencapai ekosistem yang lestari dan masyarakat yang sejahtera. Hal ini dapat dicapai dengan menguasai pengetahuan dasar, kemampuan teknis dan manajerial di berbagai aspek, meliputi: produktivitas, bio-ekologi, kesehatan dan pengontrolan pencemaran, konservasi, ekowisata perairan, dan dinamika stok perikanan berdasarkan pendekatan ekosistem untuk selanjutnya dilakukan dengan penuh tanggung jawab dan kesungguhan dalam bekerja baik secara personal maupun dalam kelompok dengan pembimbingan dan pendampingan sesuai kebutuhan.

Struktur program

Program S1 MSP harus memenuhi 144 SKS